Student Success
A one-stop-shop to identify and respond to student and system-wide needs across academics, behavior, attendance, and on-time graduation. The evidence-based Student Success platform centralizes data and workflows in one place to increase the efficiency and effectiveness for student support.
Improve student learning with Student Success
The evidence-based Student Success platform helps educators understand where MTSS/RTI and PBIS strategies are working and where to strengthen support. Shown to improve reading and math scores, Student Success provides easy-to-interpret data in one place to increase proactive student supports.
- The main dashboard in Panorama that gives a complete picture of each student’s academics, attendance, behavior, and social emotional wellness progress in school every day.
- Allows educators to create, update, and progress monitor interventions to ensure students are growing.
- Serves as an evidence-based Early Warning System and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and Intervention tracker.
- Assists in measuring social emotional wellness through research-backed feedback surveys, and displays the data alongside other indicators.